
Culture April 2019

Yasmine Hamdan. A Vagabond Spirit.

“With her powerful voice and unique style she succeeded in bringing together the treasures of traditional music and the electronic sounds of European pop-rock”. For some time now, Yasmine has lived in multi-ethnic Paris but she has lived and criss-crossed many cities and cultures in her life of forty three years. It started in Beirut…

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Belgium. The Museum of Africa, a revisited version of the continent.

The Museum of Africa aspires to be an open space for discussion of the sad colonial past and contemporary African art. There has not been lack of criticisms. The colonization of Congo – the current Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) – and the rule of neighbouring Rwanda, which then included Burundi, is one of…

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Herbs & Plants. Entada abyssinica. A resourceful herbal medicine.

It is used as medicine, source of fibre, and wood. But also in the treatment of numerous diseases and disorders. It is a low-branching deciduous shrub with a flat, spreading crown and usually grows up to about 10 metres in height. The stem-bark is grey to reddish, the leaves alternate, bipinnate with apex, round to…

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Senegal. The Great House of African Art.

The Museum of African Civilisation was founded in Dakar: it contains African art from its origins to the present day. The dream of Léopold Sédar Senghor. Over four-fifths of the artistic patrimony of the continent, the experts say, is to be found in Western museums, art galleries and private collections. It is the result of…

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India. Alok Shukla. Dedicating his life for the protection of…

He led a successful community campaign that saved 445,000 acres of biodiversity-rich forests from 21 planned coal mines in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.…

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The flower of Quetzal.

At that time, Prince Ulmac, 'The One from the Water Palace', who had ascended the throne in 'Year Nine of the Rabbit', reigned in Tollan. His…

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Youth & Mission

Mission.The Joy of Giving and Receiving.

Three African Comboni Missionaries share their missionary life My name is Brother Ghislain Dagbeto from Togo. I remember that in my formative years I initially resisted invitations…

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