
Churches August 2021

Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya. Death of the Moses of the Congo.

Like Moses, Cardinal Monsengwo, who died in France 11 July last aged 81, fought for most of his life to lead his flock to the promised land of democracy but did not see it himself. Most of those who knew him consider Mgr. Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya who just passed away in a hospital near Paris,…

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Israel. Nevé Shalom – Wahat al-Salam. An Oasis of Peace.

On a hill between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem stands a village that is an oasis of peace. Its dual name Nevé Shalom – Wahat al-Salam respects the two communities that live there, one Hebrew and one Arabic, in a land where peace has been wanting for more than seventy years. The name Nevé Shalom– Wahat…

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Being Together and Sharing.

Two Comboni missionary sisters from DR Congo share their experience.  Compassion, commitment, and hope are the ways they share their life with people. My name is Sr. Bernadette Idey, my missionary vocation brought me to live in the Middle East, Zambia, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, my native country, where I have been…

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South Sudan. Mission towards Reconciliation.

After ten years of the declaration of independence, South Sudan continue to suffer the drama of civil war. Reconciliation between various ethnic groups has become an important task for the churches in South Sudan. The commitment of Comboni Missionaries among the Nuer ethnic group. The Comboni Missionaries were invited in 1998 by the Bishop of…

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Txai Suruí. “May our utopia be the future for the…

“Let’s stop the emissions of false and irresponsible promises, let’s put an end to the pollution of empty words and fight for a livable future and…

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The partridge and the hunter.

A long time ago, a young woman gave birth to a child armed with strings and arrows, as if fate had predestined him to become a…

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Youth & Mission

Towards the Jubilee of Youth with Pope Francis.

From July 28 to August 3, 2025. Young people are invited to meet and live the experience of the Jubilee together. The four paths that lead…

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